Relative Wind is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that creates positive and inspirational change through hands on experience of sailing and flying.

Make a donation.

Donations to Relative Wind are tax deductible and enable our programs to help countless needing people

  • Ocean Sailing

    Learn blue water ocean sailing on board SV Sandia, a Catalina 42’ mast head sloop. Relative Wind Specializes in rehabilitative sailing sessions either with groups or on a individual basis.

  • Aviation and Flying

    Learning piloting skills and becoming the PIC (pilot in command) is said to be one of the most sober activities or professions that a person can undertake. The knowledge and skills of safe aviation in the San Diego Area will change a person forever.

  • Scattering loved ones Ashes

    Another service that Relative Wind is honored to offer is the scattering of ashes in the pacific ocean off shore of Point Loma. Under sail, blue water, maybe a dolphin close by. A beautiful and serine final activity.

  • Addiction and Alcohol Rehabilitation Sessions

    Group sailing sessions under the direction of a seasoned training professional and boat captain will teach individual responsibility, team work and achievement. SAT (systematic approach to training) lesson plans are used for all sessions to ensure proper skills and abilities are transferred to each participant.

  • Working with teens and younger adults

    Mentor the younger amongst us to pick a life path full of reward and fulfillment. The professionals at Relative Wind can help steer youth clear of life obstacles.

  • Career Guidance and Mentoring

    Don’t like your job, have you picked the wrong career? Whether in the trades, professional and technical occupations, we can help you with your personal niche and how to achieve it.


Feel free to contact us with any questions.


(760) 729-8363